Tuesday, 24 April 2007

The Little Foodies Veg Patch & Herb Omellette

The veg patch is struggling and thriving all at the same time. It has the ability to have the exact same impact on my husband and childrens emotional wellbeing. It needs to flourish and fast. I'm avoiding involvement, that way I can stay emotionally detached and chivvy them up with kind words and good food when needed.

Some things are getting yellow leaves which I'm sure is because they're being over loved and over watered. We do have some very inebriated slugs, they caught a whopper yesterday it was at least 4cm long. Better drunk and out of the veg patch than eating our food.

They're trying to grow:- Leeks, Onions, Carrots, Potatoes, Red Cabbage, Brussel Sprouts, Broad Beans, Courgettes, Cucumbers, Tomatoes, Chilli Peppers, Melon, Rocket, Cos Lettuce, Strawberries and Blueberries. We also have some purple sprouting which has gone in (I know it's too late - nothing like missing the boat, hopefully it will sort itself out for next season).

I'm both embarrassed and proud to say, despite neglect my little herb patch which I started last year is thriving. I'll be making a herb omellette for supper. This is something the little foodies could prepare easily.

Herb Omelette
Herbs from the garden (thyme, oregano & chives this time) finely chopped
4 large organic free range eggs
Pinch of salt and a grind or two of pepper
Tablespoon of oil for frying

Whisk the eggs and add the chopped herbs, salt and pepper.
Heat the oil in the frying pan and add the egg mix, cook for approx 2-3 minutes.
I've never been good at doing it like the professionals and drawing the mixture into the middle. I always end up with scrambled egg, so I cheat and put it under the grill to finish it. Luckily my pan is accepting of this - please, I wouldn't recommend this for most pans.

I'll serve with a lightly dressed salad and left over potatoes from the bbq on Sunday.


Anonymous said...

That herb omelette sounds delicious! I am tryng some herbs this year. Any tips on helping them to thrive? I have thyme, chives and sage. I have some basil too, but I think it's dying already!

Anonymous said...

Don't worry, you haven't missed the boat for the purple sprouting! It takes an ungodly amount of time to get going, we planted ours out (small plants) in June and it wasn't ready to eat until March the next year - just be ready to squash every little cabbage-white egg and caterpillar who'll be wanting a bit too!

I'm getting very into using eggs at the moment, we have such a ready supply - 4 a day now. Nothing like a still-warm just-laid egg - I'm going to try Hugh F-W's fritata using nettle tops and home-grown potatoes when they are ready. Can't wait! :)

Amanda at Little Foodies said...

Hi Tash, that sounds like a beautiful fritata!


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