Sunday, 27 May 2007

Kitchen Travels - Little Foodies Russia

As it's poured with rain for virtually the whole day, it was very easy to stay safely tucked up in our own little Imperial Russia all day. Role play to the ready, Husband took on the role of Ivan the Terrible (he did this remarkably well as he was a little like a bear with a sore head early on, but unlike Ivan has improved no end as the day has wore on). I was Catherine the Great and the boys have been various princes and Emperors. I'm trying to get the boys to believe something I believed as a child - that St Basil's Cathedral (Moscow) was made entirely from sugar candy.

Breakfast. Little loved the blinis, including the poor mans caviar. Small refused to even try them, a real shame as he does like smoked salmon. Still I wasn't going to force it. I did have every intention of making our own blinis but I must have known I wouldn't be up for the job. Thankfully I bought ready made ones yesterday, though I had a lie in and the children have been super well behaved there is no way I could have whipped up blinis or even bellinis this morning. Mind you, peach bellini for breakfast? maybe I could have made the effort. Is there an alcoholic screaming to get out? You can see the headlines. The new 'mothers little helper'!! But as we're doing Russia - vodka anybody?

The grandeur of Russia past is very exciting, thrilling even and makes for the most wonderful stories. Tsars, Tzars, Czars - the internet is a wonderful thing but when you start researching something you're given every mans view of the world and you have to choose which to be true.

Hubby and I ate beef stroganoff this evening, we ran out of time to have it with the boys. They can have it for lunch tomorrow. H was distraught to see I'd be using fillet steak, but after he tasted it he was more than happy. I can't believe I haven't made this before. It's so easy and so quick. All in, it was less than 20 minutes including preparation time.

Beef Stroganoff
2 large fillet steaks (sorry didn't weigh them) thinly sliced
1 medium size carton of button mushrooms thinly sliced
1 large onion finely chopped
1 teaspoon of dijon mustard
1 large cup of creme fraiche
salt and pepper
1 tablespoon of butter or olive oil
Lightly fry the onions in the butter or oil for 5 mins. Then add the sliced mushrooms, fry for 2 minutes then add the mustard and mix through. Add the beef then cook for 5 minutes. Add the creme fraiche and cook for further 2 minutes. Add salt and pepper. We served with egg noodles. Delicious, quick and easy. Definitely to be repeated!

I'm still looking for Russian desserts or cakes so any ideas would be greatly received.

Last but most definitely not least to my lovely husband, Happy Anniversary. Thank you for everything, especially the boys and for just being you. x


Anonymous said...

And a belated Happy Anniversary to you both! Looks like you did it up well! That beef stroganoff looks delicious, and I was most impressed with the blini's...even if you didn't make the actual blini bit yourself! (I usually buy mine also as there are some very good ones out there on offer and every short cut helps at times!) Can't wait to see what you cook up next!

Pat said...

Blini's are easy to make. Sounds like you all are having a great time there in Russia. And that beef stroganoff looks really yummy. Bet the boys are enjoying the travels.

Freya said...

Happy anniversary to you both! Looks like you have had a wonderful bank holiday weekend!
p.s. welcome to the Daring Bakers!

Cottage Smallholder said...

We laughed so much at Ivan the Terrible and Catherine the Great, this morning. Thanks for lightening up a gloomy, rainy day.

Jann said...

Your beef stoganoff looks so good-glad you used a tender cut of beef~it makes all the difference in the world. I imagine your boys enjoyed this the next day for lunch!(It had to taste even better!) Happy Cooking adventures, so happy to have found your sight!

Amanda at Little Foodies said...

Marie, Thank you, it really was good!

Pat, The boys are slightly bonkers (something to do with my genes I think),they're loving the travels. Cute pics of your grandaughter. Thank you for the link.

Freya, Thank you. Despite the rain it's been a really lovely one! Thank you also re: DB's. I'm a touch scared, nervous excitement. I left a msg on Tanna's last post saying the DB challenges were akin to extreme sports but of the culinary version.

Cottage Smallholder, Glad we could be of service! Laughter is something we do a lot of... :))

Jann, Thank you, The boys loved it today. I think almost everything tastes better the next day. Your blog is great!

Thanks again for all of your lovely comments. Amanda

Jann said...

Glad you found the picture again~we visited that place earlier in the Spring!I love your ideas of preparing all these wonderful fooda from all around the world~How very clever. Just think, you don't have to wait in line anywhere to enjoy it! Happy Anniversary~

Dea said...

Happy Anniversary!

Those look divine - both the blinis AND stroganoff. I've been looking for a good recipe for it that does not involve canned soup (yuck!) Thank you!!!

Kelly-Jane said...

Mmm, both your blini and stroganoff look so very good!

Just saw your link on the new members - welcome to the DBs! Can't wait to see the next challenge :)

Truffle said...

Happy Anniversary to you both! Those blinis look particularly delicious!

Patricia Scarpin said...

Amanda, my husband absolutely loves beef stroganoff.

And happy anniversary!

Patricia Scarpin said...

Amanda, my husband absolutely loves beef stroganoff. I have never seen it served with noodles - we have it here with rice. It's pretty appreciated here in Brazil too!

And happy anniversary!

Amanda at Little Foodies said...

Deborah, It was so simple but really tasty.

Kelly-Jane, Thank you:))

Truffle, Thank you and they were.

Patricia, Thank you, I think my husband now feels the same way. Infact I think we all do!


wellunderstood said...

just found your blog . . . what a great idea to "travel" the world with your "little foodies" through cuisine! when i have little ones of my own, i want to do the same!

Amanda at Little Foodies said...

Hi Wellunderstood, Thanks. I'd recommend it. It's really fun. I visited your blog but couldn't leave a comment. Amanda

Tricia said...

You've probably left Russia far behind in your travels, but you did say you were looking for sweets.

For desserts ,Russians love complex layer cakes, like Napoleons, and rich confections based on nuts, poppy seeds, and marzipan. More casual occasions might call for a cornstarch or potato starch based jelly (in the British sense of the word) called kisel. E-mail me if you'd still like some recipes!


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