Saturday, 5 January 2008

Little Foodies, Star Wars & Jedi School

Little is a huge Star Wars fan and has gone to great lengths to ensure that Small is able to keep up with him on all things Star Wars. It's not really that great hearing a three year old say things like "Don't make me destroy you." So I was pleasantly surprised when it came to writing Christms Lists and Little said he had enough Star Wars things now. Shame really as there was still a present wrapped up from the year before, put to one side on the big day and forgotten about as we thought they had far too much. Present rationing, sometimes a necessity, especially when you have a family that give literally tons of presents to your children. The picture below doesn't show all of the presents for the children under the tree this Christmas.

Father Christmas is a canny old chap and his best gift this year had to be the dinosaur excavation kits. Things that looked like big eggs. You chip away at the clay/plaster for hours and eventually you get to a dinosaur or dinosaur bones or even a dinosaur nest. Ours were purchased from Hawkin's Bazaar which is one of my favourite toy shops. I could spend hours in there!

Anyway this was meant to be about Star Wars. Today Little went on a little big adventure to London with Daddy. They went on the train and while there they visited...

Little attended Jedi School - of this he is most proud! Hubby said it was really good but possibly you have to be a bit of a geek to really enjoy it. They also went on the London Eye.

Small was too small to go, or so we thought so he was taken out and had a few little treats of his own. As he missed out I've decided that tomorrow we will have a Star Wars themed feast so I'm off to put my thinking cap on and come up with some tasty Tatooine Treats. I'll post what I come up with tomorrow, possibly.


MyKitchenInHalfCups said...

Jedi school! Now that is the dream of just about almost every little boy I've ever known! Our boys were young (maybe 4 & 7) when Star Wars came out. It was the first & only time my husband & I felt we had to "screen" a movie before we took them.
Can't wait to see what gets cooked up for the "feast". I seem to remember some eye ball stew like something.

Amanda at Little Foodies said...

Hi Tanna, he is seriously hyped about it - can't get to sleep he's still so full of it!

Eyeball stew - my all time favourite... I remember going to Hong Kong for work when I was only 21. At a meeting over dinner I was served a soup with a fish head in it, eyes still intact. Someone whispered into my ear that it would be bad form if I didn't eat it... Truly gross!

Amanda x

Cynthia said...

Oh man they went to Jedi school! So very cool! I know, I sound geeky (lol).

Thanks for all your sincere wishes and right back at yah hon.

Sara said...

I will be very interested to see what foods you come up with! And I'm not showing this post to my husband, or HE'LL want to go to Jedi school too.

Jenny said...

You know, normally it's me at my laptop, drooling over yummy looking food. Today it is my 8 year old drooling over the adventures of your son!
Looking forward to the feast - maybe it will be something I can do with my own kids!

Ros said...

i've always fancied myself as more of a Sith than a Jedi. I think it's the red lightsabers that do it. I'm quite excited about the sound of this exhibition- is it still running?

Well, if you're having tattoine treats, would bantha stew be going a bit far? They look like they might taste of good quality beef. ;)


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