Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Live Below the Line 2014 - Day Two - Action Against Hunger

Thank you so much - with cash donations we're almost at £300.00!!! I woke up today feeling like I had a hangover. It definitely wasn't, I think I just didn't eat enough or drink enough water yesterday. I was worried we would run out of food later in the week and didn't want the boys to go hungry. It's going well so far. Apart from a small meltdown from youngest straight after school because he didn't eat his lunch and was hungry. Team talk and he's back on board. 


Update: We consumed...
Breakfast: Husband and children all had porridge made with milk and water. I had a banana.
Lunch: husband had 2 savoury muffins & 2 cakes. Youngest had 1 savoury muffin (which he left), 1 cake, carrot, cucumber, apple and banana. I had porridge. Eldest had 2 savoury muffins and 3 cakes. So not healthy and wouldn't normally happen!
Dinner: we all had yellow split pea and veggie soup. I only had a small bowl as needed to go out. I was too tired to eat the rest when I got home and went straight to bed.

We were all hungry on Day 2 and some of us were a bit tetchy!

My friend was about to dump some bits in the compost which included 2 broccoli stems and quarter of a white cabbage which was past it's best. It was offered as a joke... I peeled the broccoli stems and cut the bit inside into chunks, I cut off the black bits of white cabbage and took off the outside bits, chopped the rest and added it to our soup. I would not have done this before and I did not tell the rest of the family they were eating other people's rubbish. :) 

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