Saturday, 22 March 2008

Happy Easter

Hope you all have a fantastic Easter weekend!

Good Friday was indeed good for me as I was allowed home from hospital. As Hubs described it in an e-mail to some of you - missing some disc and a few bits of vertebrae. Hard part is over, have to lie flat for just over a week with a small shuffle around every 90 minutes or so and physio exercises which are nothing like exercises. So pleased to be home but typing this from such an angle is hard work... Thank goodness the man I married is a great cook, just about to be served with chicken parcels, mashed potato and purple sprouting from the garden.... lovely!

Thank you so much for all your kind words. When I can laugh about it I'll share the funniest things about the last few months. There have been a few.

Soon... xx


Karen Baking Soda said...

So good to hear you're back home and being pampered! Now, lie flat like a good girl (eh?) and stay there!
Take care, and Happy Easter to you and your family

Culinary Cowgirl said...

Have some rest...and Happy Easter!

Aimée said...

Amanda! Welcome home!! Happy Easter to you, too and here is wishing you a speedy recovery. I spent the last week on bed rest also, and that not fun with a newborn! When we get back on our feet, watch out!!

MyKitchenInHalfCups said...

Rest easy there Amanda, we'll be here.
Happy Easter.

Deborah said...

I'm glad you are home and doing well! I hope the recovery is fast and you are up and feeling back like yourself again soon!

glamah16 said...

Glad to see its progressing along. Happy Easter.

Pat said...

Glad to hear you are back home!!! Big hugs and Happy Easter to you and your family!!!

Kelly-Jane said...

I'm glad to hear you are back home too. Happy Easter, and a steady recovery =)

Trig said...

Happy Easter to you and the family from a chef exhausted by the demands of Easter customers.

Sylvie said...

Amanda, great to hear you're home. Have a look at, there's something for you there.

Happy Easter!

Jenny said...

Yeah, on the way to recovery now! Keep up the good spirits!

Marie Rayner said...

Get plenty of rest Amanda and take good care of yourself. Hope that you had a Happy and Blessed Easter and that you are up and back to normal soon! XXOO

african vanielje said...

Amanda, glad you're home and I'm sure you'll be up and around in no time. Glad you can rely on hubby for proprer food, and when you're feeling better I tagged you for a meme. Happy Easter

Cottage Smallholder said...

So pleased that you are safely back home. Take care.

Happy Easter to you all. Thanks for your inspirational blog!

Pig in the Kitchen said...

oh hooray! back home with doctor's orders to rest, well done you!
PLEASE please please rest, then it can all be forgotten and we can watch your recipes again...wishing you lots of 'get better now' easter good wishes.

Sara said...

We're sending our best wishes to you! Hope you're back on your feet soon.

Cynthia said...

Darling! It is so good to hear you! And you sound upbeat and rearing to go - always a good sign. Lovely, lovely to have you back and looking forward to hearing all of those funny moments.

Warm hugs.

KJ said...

Great to hear you are home and on the way to recovery. Take care.

Anonymous said...

It sounds like you're getting the best treatment from Mr. Foody! I hope your week speeds by and you're starting to feel better.

Michelle said...

Happy Easter to you too Amanda, and welcome home. Here's wishing you a speedy recovery and you're feeling back to yourself soon.

Annemarie said...

Glad to hear you're home and on the mend. Hope the recovery continues apace. x

Lis said...

Yay! I'm so glad you are home! And by now.. you must be up a lil more, yes? How is it feeling? I wish you the speediest of recoveries, sweetie!


Gabi said...

Hope you're on the mend- sending you lots of good healing pink bubbly thoughts!
Take care!

Helene said...

Wish I were closer to come help you out with physical therapy and cake! Hope you feel 100% better soon!

Katie Zeller said...

Glad to hear the surgery went well - and, hopefully that whole bit will soon be in your past...
Life back to normal and all that!
Rest well - and do your physio!

Amanda at Little Foodies said...

Thank you all for your comments. My back is doing great. I'm off all pain killers now which is GREAT! Staple/clip things come out tomorrow. Small problem in that my heart seems to have gone a bit loopy, racing pulse and high blood pressure which is usually very low. They've put me on beta blockers... Can't believe that I'm going to be 37 this week and I'm taking beta blockers. Hopefully just a blip and a reaction to the surgery and coming off all the medication... A bit bloody annoying though!

Hope you're all well. Amanda x

Andrea said...

Glad to hear that your husband is taking good care of you! Relax and take care of yourself!

Angel said...

Hope you had a great Easter. Very good news to hear you are home from the hospital. Definitely earns your husband some kudo's points cooking such a tasty meal for you.

Molly Loves Paris said...

It's so good to see you made it through okay. I would have been terrified, plus I hate being in the hospital, even if I'm just visiting. May you feel much better really soon.

Barbara said...

Good luck with your recovery Amanda.


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