This is easy peasy. Can't believe we're into week three already. The fact I may have spent all of the money saved so far on some on-line shopping purchases is neither here, nor there. They are all valuable things for the kitchen or household - slow/rice cooker steamer combo, blender to make smoothies for breakfast, ceramic bread pans, books, Roald Dahl collection of children's stories on CD. Like I said, all valuable things for the household!!
Midweek breakfasts - cereal with milk, fruit smoothies
Weekend breakfasts - American style pancakes with maple syrup , poached eggs on wholemeal toast
soft flour tortilla, cucumber, cherry tomatoes, chorizo, chunks of cheese, mandarin, apple juice
focaccia with cheese salad, apple, apple juice
couscous salad, banana, apple juice
prawn sandwich, salad, mandarin, apple juice
tuna salad, mandarin, apple juice
Sat: soup and homemade bread
Sun: roast of some sort will depend what I feel like in the butchers
chicken casserole and herb dumplings, cooked in the new slow cooker
PANCAKE DAY - yipppeeeeee!
prawn, pea and coconut curry with basmati rice
coley fillets with creamed spinach and mashed potatoes
vegetable stir fry with noodles and peanut sauce
Sat:Chinese Food to celebrate Chinese New Year, need to plan this, friend coming for dinner too.
Sun: Sandwiches or soup as we will have had a big roast earlier in the day.
Afterschool Snacks: I'll make some fruity flapjacks and possibly some lemon drizzle cakes.
So, that's this weeks plan...
Great plan!! Happy Monday Amanda.
We will be eating leftovers from y'day's game food today!:D
Hi Amanda and Little Foodies - your food plan looks really good. They must be the best well fed children in school/your neighbourhood. Good on you Amanda.
I'd say you are doing excellent!! I read all of Roald Dahl to our boys. Then when they were old enough, I gave them his adult fiction. The difference is fantastic. Several of his short stories were great thrillers that Hitchcock did.
You are doing brilliantly. It all sounds great. I wish I ate this well.
Fabulous Amanda. With the meal plans, the savings, the reinvestment of savings it sounds like you are having fun. And that's so important.
Hi Asha, thank you. I love meals using the leftovers.
Hi Margaret, thank you, I think they do eat really well but we're lucky in that they naturally like a lot of healthy things so I don't ever freak if they want chocolate or something not so healthy.
Hi Tanna, thank you. I love Roald Dahl. They're both captivated by these the CD set. Little gets in from school and immediately puts it on to listen to. I must get some of his adult fiction. I think I probably saw some of those made into films.
Hi KJ, thank you, I bet you do eat really well.
Hi Fiona, thank you, it is fun and actually quite easy to stick to with a bit of thought.
Thanks for your comments.
Amanda x
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