Thursday 2 August 2007

Little Foodies Sweden

This is a selection of some of the Swedish things we've bought. I just love the name knackerbrod - I think it's because I always feel like that!

To say things are busy would be a mild understatement. I have a 3 year old birthday party to get ready for tomorrow. Our lucky Little Foodies watched a tree house being built in our garden over the last two days. Blogging is on the list but it's a very long list, and includes food for the wedding in France and packing for our mammoth trip next week, to top (or topple) the list a 6 year old birthday party to be arranged for the day after we get to France (2 days before the wedding). At least I'm keeping busy!

Will report on the meatball challenge - very interesting....!! Were the children sent to their rooms or were they given extra treats for being so lovely about Mama's cooking...?

Note to self: BREATHE!


KellytheCulinarian said...

It does look like some great food.

What meatball challenge?

Nora B. said...

Sounds hectic! "Breath" is a good reminder. ;-) I hope that you are enjoying the planning, etc of the birthdays and the wedding despite the craziness of your current schedule.

Cynthia said...

My goodness woman! At the end of reading that post I was out of breath :) honey, have a good time, take it easy and please, stop often and take your own advice - BREATHE!

Marie Rayner said...

Dare I ask about the meatballs?? lol Hope the parties go well, and I hope you have a lovely trip to France!

Meeta K. Wolff said...

Hi you knackerbrot LOL!

Looks like a full plan. But I am sure it'll be fun (most of it anyway) and I can't wait to hear about it!

Kelly-Jane said...

Oh my goodness Amanda, you haven't got a spare minute!

Do you know what you're doing for the wedding food yet? and meatball challenge? sounds interesting :)

A very happy birthday to Small. Take care.


Amanda at Little Foodies said...

Hi Kelly, Homemade versus bought.

Hi Nora, I'm loving the planning. I think I love the planning and run up to something more than the actual event.

Hi Cynthia, I'm breathing, really I am!

Hi Marie, It was fine - really - fine.

Hi Meeta, I am - I am!!

Hi Kelly-Jane, Thank you, I sort of know the food for the wedding but until I get there I can't be 100% sure.

Thank you for your comments.
Amanda x


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