Tuesday, 1 May 2007

A Taste of Yellow - Life is for Living!

This could be quite a sombre one so if you want the short version...

Please support - A Taste of Yellow being organised by Barbara at Winos and Foodies.

I e-mailed Susana last week. I've mentioned her before. You can check out her site by clicking on the link Running for Lisa in the side bar on the right. She's a big foodie. She runs marathons to raise money for cancer research. She's GREAT! I knew she'd want to do something for this and I was right she does.

All too many of us have a link with cancer in one way or another, often in more ways than one and for the sole reason that until a cure is found there isn't one - we should continue to raise awareness and raise money if we can.

Life is for living - hopefully with a little sunshine along the way.

Nice title Barbara - A Taste of Yellow. My sons favourite colour

For our recipe we'll probably make spaghetti with a saffron cream sauce and something else yellow with it. We'll post the recipe another day when we've made it and have a picture.


Anonymous said...

Hello there!
Great to meet you and your little foodies & thanks for stopping by over at my blog. I love the fact that your children have such an interest and a lack of fear in food. It's a great thing to see and proves that it can be done. I shall be back.

Cherry xx

Freya said...

I am eagerly awaiting your saffron pasta! It sounds wonderful and all in a good cause! Hopefully I'll get my post up tomorrow!

Kelly-Jane said...

I'll have a think about this one and see if I can fit it in before Monday!


Amanda at Little Foodies said...

Hi Cherry, Freya & Kelly-Jane,
Thanks so much for your comments. We, like so many people have been touched by the big C word and it's so important to celebrate life. Especially when there is new life and children to consider. Thanks for stopping by. Amanda x


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